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Functional laboratory construction series

Functional laboratory construction series

HPS-100 Human Physiological Experiment System

In animal welfare and animal experiments3RUnder the guidance of principles, the Chinese functional teaching experiment is gradually reducing and optimizing animal experiments. In order to improve the quality of teaching in the context of reducing animal experiments, innovative teaching experimental methods and experimental methods are inevitable, and non-invasive human physiological experiments are The basic functional teaching experiment will become a new trend in functional science experiments.

WebChart-400 Human Physiology Experimental System

For a long time, the physiological experiment teaching in China is mainly based on animal experiments, and it is mainly aimed at the classical experiments in the textbooks. It is difficult for students to fully understand the full meaning of an experiment in a limited experimental class time. It is also difficult to experiment on this experiment. Play to improve. As China's experimental teaching is in line with international standards, it will gradually reduce the number of animal experiments and increase the proportion of human experiments, which is also in line with the 3R principles of animal experiments, Reduction, Replacement and Refinement. This not only helps to reduce the cost of experimental animals, but also effectively combines human experiments and forms a closer relationship with the clinical, which not only expands the knowledge of students, but also enhances students' interest. The WebChart-400 Human Physiology Experimental System is the latest generation of bio-functional

BL-420S biological signal acquisition and analysis system

BL-The 420S scientific research biological signal acquisition and analysis system is the next-generation scientific research concept biological function experimental system launched by Chengdu Taimeng Software Co., Ltd. Its performance index and ease of use far exceeds any domestic and foreign similar products currently on the market, such as The stimulator of the editable waveform has not been implemented in any domestic product. Its 4-channel scanning speed is independently adjustable, and the system integrates various special data analysis functions. At present, no foreign product can be realized.


BL-420F生物信号采集與分(fēn)析系統是成都(dōu)天騰軟件發展有限公司推出的下一代概念型生物信号采集與分(fēn)析系統,其性能指标和使用方便性遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超過目前市場上銷售的國(guó)内外任何同類産品,比如(rú),其可(kě)編輯波形的刺激器,目前國(guó)内還(hái)沒有任何一家産品能夠實現,其4通道掃描速度獨立可(kě)調,系統自(zì)身(shēn)集成的多種專用數據分(fēn)析功能,目前國(guó)外還(hái)沒有任何一家産品能夠實現。 技術參數 1、系統可(kě)内置(隻占用光(guāng)驅位置,方便教學)、可(kě)外置(便于科(kē)研




成都(dōu)天騰軟件發展有限公司從(cóng)1997年(nián)開始研制、生産BL-310生物信号采集與分(fēn)析系統,經曆十餘載,先後經曆了BL-410、420E、420F、420S、420N等5次主要的産品升級換代,使公司生産的生物信号采集系統産品更加穩定成熟。 技術參數1. 硬件參數1.1物理采樣通道數:4;1.2獨立12導聯全導聯心電接口:12導聯心電信号可(kě)以在軟件上同時顯示;1.3物理采樣通道與12導聯全導聯心電通道獨立工(gōng)作(zuò)


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