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Zou, deputy director of Sichuan Economic and Information Commission, and other 6 people visited the company

Zou, deputy director of Sichuan Economic and Information Commission, and other 6 people visited the company

2014/04/02 00:00
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On the morning of February 26, 2014, Zou, deputy director of the Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission, Zhang Jian, director of the Chengdu Economic and Information Technology Commission, and Secretary General Peng Peng of the Sichuan Production Service Association visited the company. During the visit, Huang Wu, the chairman of the company, introduced the company's situation to the leaders of the government and accompanied the company to the company.

On the morning of February 26, 2014, Zou, deputy director of the Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission, Zhang Jian, director of the Chengdu Economic and Information Technology Commission, and Secretary General Peng Peng of the Sichuan Production Service Association visited the company. During the visit, Huang Wu, the chairman of the company, introduced the company's situation to the leaders of the government and accompanied the company to the company.